Optimize Your Sleep for Digestive Relief: The Best Sleeping Position for Indigestion, Backed by Experts


Is indigestion wreaking havoc on your peaceful night’s sleep? Discover the expert-recommended best sleeping position for indigestion that can significantly alleviate reflux and digestive discomfort.

In this comprehensive report, we delve into the insights provided by the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research and explore practical tips to enhance your sleep quality during the holiday season and beyond. Is indigestion

As the holiday festivities bring joy, they also usher in digestive challenges. From indigestion to heartburn, the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research sheds light on the common gastrointestinal issues many face during the holiday season.

Erin Judge, a registered dietitian nutritionist and founder of Gutivate, emphasizes the impact of disrupted routines on digestive health, attributing symptoms to changes in bowel motility.
Best Sleeping Position for Indigestion, According To Experts

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) takes center stage as a culprit behind post-feast indigestion. GERD, characterized by the backward flow of stomach contents into the esophagus, often leads to heartburn, especially after meals and during sleep.

The Canadian Society of Intestinal Research underscores the role of gravity in preventing stomach acid from ascending into the esophagus and explains why reflux intensifies during lying down.

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